
Better. All a pacifist erection ever wants to do is play hacky sack in the quad.

MANY other things (like pretty much all of Oliver Platt's story, and to my mind, Key and Peele at all). I really thought S1 was nowhere near as good as most people thought - it had some good performances, but the story/structure was WAY too loose & shaggy, even by Coen-verse standards.

It's always the "Finger In The Butt" game with you people!

Note to self: Avoid the pickles at Full Nelson Reilly's house.

NOBODY expects Unexpected Dave!

For some reason I thought of Micronauts not too long ago and went to some fansite, where I was reminded that the whole "Body Banks" deal was a little…darker than I had recalled.

It's not exactly the same, but The Knife really reminded me of some of Siouxsie Sioux's stuff, particularly in the Creatures - it's less electronic, but it has that same dark theatrical polyrhythmic thing going on, with flecks of various world musics (plus hella distinctive vocals). Put "Peek-A-Boo" and "We Share

Thanks, I wasn't sure. Never saw the movie, but I was a "Your Band Sucks" reader.

As I read it, they don't have teams (they are joking), and they are friends (know each other IRL and did before this went down). This is just a couple dudes messing with each other for months on end, and pushing it to go viral.

I assume this is "Dr." David Thorpe, of "Your Band Sucks"/Something Awful fame (and possibly also Do I Sound Gay?, though I can't confirm that)?


I know, right? I certainly did not google a completely-unknown-to-me actress based on this blatant appeal to my baser, prurient urges.

Look at the user name. I'm thinking new gimmick.

It's a Minnesota thing. They pronounce 'bagel' the same way. Britta on Community did it too.

Only you can save us now, Taco Bell bell.

Did it? I don't remember.

II Mad II George

Still falling down a steep forest hill.

Don't mind if I do!

ALF, and you all know in what form.