
Is this a bit? Otherwise, leave poor Cyndi out of this, your beef is with the Bangles (or motherfuckin' PRINCE, who wrote that shit).

Finally, someone who agrees with me about Rank!

Agreed, bad timing, good movie.

As the dead lay around him, he held up a finger asking for a Band-Aid.

Well, first you take the thing, then you get the stuff. You'll need the doohickey, but you can forget all that foofraw, it's useless. Next, put the whatchamacallit on the hoo-ha, add a little ramalamadingdong, and Bob's yer uncle.

Ha ha! Not to scale.

Bootsy Collins > everybody else

Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Depends

I rarely even look to the AVC for music reviews anymore. It's obviously not a priority.

I'm assuming they are reviewing it because we are old as hell, and (statistically speaking, at least in the case of Gen X) remarkably resistant to marketing; meaning if this site wants to survive, sooner or later they have to get some younger readers who DO buy stuff. This is bait.

I can't go quite that far - there've been some real lows mixed in with the highs, solo-wise - but he just kept getting better and better as a singer, and his post-Smiths stuff is certainly more varied, so I can't really fault anyone who looks at it like that.

That's…not a bad theory.

I don't think you're stupid to wonder what the heck was the motivation, which is why I was speculating about Grandpa's brain being a potential literal weapon Blaine can use, to "poison" his father.

[Jim Morrison's ghost shrugs, heads to Morrison's All-You-Can-Eat Cafeteria buffet]

If you have a fountain, reel around it.

[Morrissey makes racially-questionable comments]

No, no, no, no, no, no, no no no no-no-nooooooooo

Aw, I like "Jeane".

Oh yeah, @avclub-e6f3808057d724b15133b97796568334:disqus and @avclub-e7af398c830a0f6074ad7de8a667e0df:disqus ,that one is bad.

Throw your skinny body down, son.