
I'll even stick up for "Golden Lights"!

The version on Rank slays the LP original, IMO.

Big Smiths fan here, but this track never grabbed me as much…not sure if it's the odd structure or the relatively (even by early-Morrissey standards) range-constrained vocal melody, or the fact that it falls in the middle of a run of stone-cold classics on the album (and so feels like it disrupts the flow, just a

Tell it to Mark Twain.

Did they ever specify exactly what affliction Blaine's grandfather had (dementia, Alzheimer's, Mad Cow?)

San Francisco Critical Mass bicyclists wailing on a driver

No, but he WILL be your sex worker.

just a tiny bit of hope for the first time on Betsy's face

I'd say the Swiss, like the Russians, are right in the middle of it.

Say what you will about Moz's integrity (or stubbornness), but Smiths have reportedly been offered stupidly-enormous amounts of money to get the band back together (even for a cakewalk one-off Festival appearance), and he continually flatly refuses.


The drummer from Bitch Magnet was terrific. Overall I prefer Seam, but yeah.

No chicken is going to tell me who I am allowed to cluck.

Homophobic chickens are the worst.

Somewhere in….The Twilight P'zone.

Then the results of the vote were publicly-announced with great relish.

Have you heard that Swiss sauerkrautrock band, The Reubens?

Not with THAT attitude.

I'm a huge Seam fan, and it's depressing to me how unknown they are.

"Harsh/psychotically-loud treble" is a good description of some of their early stuff. I always assumed that that was a financial hardship/studio inexperience thing, but maybe that's just how Guthrie likes/hears his music? Thanks for the warning though, I will avoid that reissue (that's a really good album).