
I was really just teasing, since it sort of seemed like your original comment had been cutoff midway. That actually is a pretty cool story.

I DID - ask your mom!

Cool [setup or prelude to a] story, bro. ;-)

Pull your pants up!

I think you are thinking of that dadgum hippity-hoppity music, son.

Rebels is actually the one Halo Benders album I don't have, though I love BtS' version of its "Virginia Reel Around The Fountain". Just ordered it.

Not to take away from GbV, who definitely learned to use lo-fi as an aesthetic choice rather than simple financial necessity by the time of Bee Thousand (if not before) but you are 100% right that The Glow Pt. 2 was on another level, from the perspective of pure sonics. I'd never heard such paradoxically hi-fi lo-fi.

OK, that was pretty great.

It'd be nice if their player didn't suck - it kept hanging on me midway through the ep, and there's no button to FF* if you want to try again later.

She may or may not have stolen Sleigh Bells' riffs, but with that photo she definitely stole Sir Mix-A-Lot's heart.

A Lovato
An albino
A burrito
In my Speedo

"Hmmm…if I 'like' this tweet stating that 'Jews run the world', will it look like I approve of the tweet, or of the situation?

It was like Deepwater Horizon all over again on that stage.

And he's usually right!

Yeah, that sounds right from what I recall reading.

Actually, that's a myth. Paul's Boutique was nearly completely-cleared. It's just that back then, prior to certain court cases/judgements/precedents, they could still afford to do that.

That photo you posted above gave me a Demi Semi.

I thought they closed that place down.

I resent the implication.