
Passive-aggressive tweet, the decision, their problem.

Half of a regular Lovato.

All Sleigh Bells really wanted was a "Domo Arigato" from Demi Lovato.

Dammit , that IS better.

Not The Great Dawes Debacle?

The music's not bad, though I'd hesitate to call this "noise rock" - it's plenty melodic and not all that abrasive or atonal, though it's def. a pleasantly lo-fi recording.

AAHHHHH I FORGOT THIS WAS BACK! I know what I'm doing tonight.

That's crazy. Live, he sounds like…well, ME, singing Stone Roses karaoke.
But on record he's alright, and occasionally (as on the album in question) fantastic. I mean, the choruses of "I Am The Resurrection" or "This Is The One" make you reach up high for the notes, and he seems to nail them there, bell-clear.

Brown is SO bad live (from what I've heard/seen online - I never saw them live in person), yet AMAZING on that record (and decent on others, including his solo stuff), that I've wondered if it was a matter of piecing things together/studio trickery; or if Brown simply may have terrible, terrible stage fright, and as

I didn't care for season one, so take this for what it's worth, but I think season 2 has been phenomenal so far.

"So beautiful I almost can't believe was made by human beings."

Yeah, talkin' shit about 'em, pushing 'em around, like some kinda…mean person!

Yeah, who let all these beaches up in here?

U mohd bro?

Guy Posting In the Wrong Thread, unmasked!

Great comment. I should have scrolled farther down, because up above I was talking about how much King probably identifies with Jack.

Little did we realize what the internet would make commonplace.

I think this is what King is upset about - in the movie Jack was ONLY a
monster. In the book, he was a husband and father driven to monstrosity
by internal and external factors.

I wasn't sure if this was an unprovoked slam on me, and then I realized that I had originally written my comment ambiguously-enough that it could have been interpreted as a slam on The Invisible Handjob (which was not my intent), which might have in turn prompted a slam on me, so I edited it and want to make clear -

Dude, check his comment history. He's obsessed with EW. Either that or he's the weirdest viral marketing campaign ever, where he goes into comment sections, acts like a douchenozzle and tries to push people over to the target site?