
The horror! This composition isn't entirely symmetrical!

"Why are you wearing a hockey mask?"

[whacks Internet with rolled-up newspaper, pushes Internet's nose in the mess it's made]

Dude, leto it go.

I was shocked the first time I heard Marsters' real voice, I really assumed he was a Brit.

It used to just be called "the Lagoon", but there was a lot of White Flight in the '60s.


The A.V. Club
I know where the butthole is

I do, and thomebody better clean it up!

Thinking about this some more, this actually may not be too surprising, given how memory works. We know now that memory is not actually "recall", like playing back a recording; instead, we actually re-create our memories, each time we remember them. This is why eyewitness testimony is very unreliable and prone to

This is of course the slogan on the The A.V. Club T-shirt. The only true sequel to the Onion's classic "Your favorite band sucks".

That's not what Kurt Cobain said!

Coincidentally, they saw Sid lose his at the exact same time.

Interesting, I'll have to try that.

Yeah, that seemed like a weird error to make.

Word to your moms, I came to drop bombs
I got more rhymes, than Herbert's got Loms!

There are dozens of us! DOZENS!

That header image looks like Herbert Lom.

Settle down, Beavis! I realize his story is a little unusual, but there's no need to call him a liar!