
No, that's the Cranberries, and the air biscuit I wafted.

Let's just put an IKEA store between us and them. They'll never find their way through the whole thing.

I was partial to the "Bjorn Slippy" mashup, since backgrounding the song with that quintessential '90s club track actually make it seem like the characters are in the actual location and state of mind the song describes - too old for this club shit, looking for a quiet corner to talk to someone and forge an intimate

I got a rock. And also, "Games Without Frontiers".

@avclub-ca6738c0c4522487f0183a57c4b9b115:disqus says that The Baha Men had some underrated deep cuts!

But…all I wanted was a Pepsi…


I was probably 10 or 11 when I saw Alien, and…yeah. I thought it was pretty terrifying.

Stay safe. If your kid is old enough, go with Alien. Scared the crap out of me as a kid.

Your mission for the weekend, should you choose to accept it, is to watch Road Warrior and Fury Road.

the source material should always be the gold standard

You can try to administer that beating, but they'll just jump.

I think you are thinking of This Ain't Star Wars XXX: The Whores Awaken.

If Trump can somehow retroactively deport all evidence of Jar-Jar from this reality, he has my vote.

If you've done too much cocaine, then you've probably died.

What is wrong with you fools? "Be My Baby" (and therefore, "Just Like Honey", etc., etc.)

Someone is probably going to tell me I got the character ages wrong, I didn't check, just sort of guessed.

Now I totally want to hear a GoT-themed "People Who Died".

Tony couldn't fly.

I know he has a high voice, but Roland Gift is a man.