
And yet here you are, writing about stinky pussies!



So is Ricked Wicky the new Boston Spaceships, AKA "non-GbV Pollard that the casual fan* might be able to appreciate"?

Never listened to her before, thanks. Enjoying this Boiler Room set.

On the bright side, you now have afjordable waterfront property.

He's got a lot of records so it might take you a while to get there, but he also used to have a band called Whiskeytown. Strangers' Almanac is great.

Just think of all the time gamers could have saved, if only Mario'd been offered a similar deal.

Pork-barrel politics are always distasteful.

NBC CEO of Tattoos is a new position.

As far as musical Butlers go, I'm on Team Richard.

[groans, upvotes]

"My quarters are right there on the screen! I got nexAIEEEEEEE!!!!""

Or a law-enforcement diagram showing a suicide cult's governing hierarchy.

Doesn't he have some butling to get to?

Seeing the show's title alone at the top of the original post has gotten the amazing theme music stuck in my head and it WILL NOT LEAVE.

Self-upvoters have hairy palms and will go blind.

I should have expected this.

[Audience member presumably throws something coin-like onstage)
"Just got paid!" / "Chris is lookin' for a bus token."

That oral history was exactly my breaking point of thinking I never wanted to read about him/them ever again. It was this: