
Once got busy on a Mickey D's playground

MC Ron Donald. First Album: Do, Don't or Die

[Travels back in time, leaves footprint]


This is the last song I will ever sing (YAY!)
No, I've changed my mind again (AWW!)
Goodnight, and thank you…

And it could be delivered by beautiful women of questionable morals, the Foxy Moxie Doxies.

TMI, dude.

I just want a generic soda that can stand in for Moxie.

The Spacehog Shall Rise Again!

True, but even though it has the same cadence/syllables, the only syllables that match the source are the three from "-ly deli-". Yet it still calls the original right up from the subconscious cellar, even sans melody (or even any text notation implying melody).

I suppose the AVClub demographic does skew a certain way, but it's pretty ridiculous that you could do that, and have it work.

I read this in the Lucky Charms jingle.

Man, they make the black guy ride in the back of the trailer? How you gonna be like that, Lucero?

I wondered at that too. They're called "Metric", not "U.S. Standard Weights and Measures", eh.

When you someone man it.

I can't be the only one who, when they first heard that song, thought "Huh…Social Distortion has really changed their sound up!", am I?

Old Dastardly Fellow is also Nudeador's favorite rapper.

I wish I had been a 120 Minutes host back in the day. I would have kept varying the pronunciation of each "the" each time I said the bandname until Matt Johnson's head exploded.

At your age, I'm afraid it's crackers and Preparation H for you.

Oof, that smarts. I talked about that boot recently on another article, but the 4-song run from "September Gurls—>Another Girl, Another Planet—>Within Yr Reach—>Left of the Dial" is just flawless, the way the moods modulate (and even the silly between-song banter).