
"Make it fast, birdbrain, the Dawgs are playin' Tennessee!"

He's also suspected of blowing up Westerburg High…it's possible he faked his own death.

It was Blink-182, you have no one to blame but yourself.

"flop pop" (like, floppy-haired Beatles or Box Tops; or a "flop house", implying drink and drugs and being on the skids)?

I still like the song, but I agree that as you get older that other, uglier reading becomes more clear.

I love that song so much, and that's a decent album overall. It's weird that Tommy made some better Paul Westerberg songs than Paul did around that same time.

Given the song's subject matter, you'd think "Box Tops", but it's definitely not that. Who knows what it was intended to be, he was probably drunk when they recorded it.

The lyric change on Shit, Shower, and Shave that gets me is the one in "Within Your Reach" (which really benefits from the arena-sized performance, like the echo/reverb on his voice which emphasizes the loneliness, and using a live drummer - the original album version is still a great song, but didn't have the

Pop-Up Videos didn't happen until 1996. I always assumed he was just repeating the word "pop" twice, but internet searches indicate it could be "flop pop" (whatever that means).

Agreed, never been to Coney Island but for the most part if you are sitting on a seawall (well, seawall railing, but still), you are probably no more than 5-10 feet above the ground. You might get hurt, but likely not seriously (unless you split your skull on a rock).

Cause of Death: Was In The Freaking Replacements And Still Somehow Managed To Get Kicked Out For Overindulging


Yeah, I seem to recall someone being quoted as saying "his body was just worn out", implying it wasn't any specific recent binge that had caused his death, but the years and years of it prior.

Unfortunately, CancerAIDS takes your hearing first. Enjoy this playlist while you can.

He also runs a pirate radio station that alternates profane rants with hip independent and underground rock?

Well, that's certainly another valid way to look at it; we ARE pattern-seeking apes, and those symmetries and resonances are aesthetically-pleasing.

My parents grew up around farm animals, and their (again, subjective) impression was that some animals barely seemed to notice when the babies popped out (of course, other times there were complications, or more elongated/difficult deliveries). Many animals also seemed to recover and be back on their feet very

That's hard to say. We can't even reliably determine what sort of pain other humans feel, and we can speak to them in English. Many animals have much shorter/safer/quieter deliveries, of larger litters, than humans do. The relatively-large crown (brain/skull) of a human baby, combined with a mother's pelvis that is

Y'all got fake poo?

There had been several attempts to re-enact it, but each time something had gone awry, or afoul, or askew; and one time, all three.