
Famous Mortimer
C.S. Lewis Jr.
Senator Tankerbell

Man, step OFF, you Howdy-Doody-lookin' motherFUCKER!


Have you ever killed a man . . . with your mind?

That kid…has got the goods.

Did you…send it back?

….So what are we saying, here?

I want to see this thread continue to escalate, with @fischchum:disqus providing photographic evidence from the set of Star Wars, and eventually Carrie Fisher herself logging in to personally-confirm and rue her wild youth, and @avclub-e56eea9a45b153de634b23780365f976:disqus just continuing to go, "Nope, nah,

Oh, no, I didn't mean to imply that it all tracks, it doesn't. As you say, there are many incongruities.

Yeah, when you look at the old stories in a symbolic way, there's a lot in them that actually tracks nicely with what we now know from science (things like the order of the events on the seven "days" of creation, that more-or-less move in sequence with the evolutionary timeline, from simple life forms living in oceans

Upvoted simply for the words "Randolph Mantooth".

I've always thought this was one of the more beautifully-"correct" (which is to say, symbolic) bits of the Biblical myth of man's origins - the idea that once mankind ate the apple & gained the knowledge of good and evil (=acquired the increased brainsize that separates us a bit from our primate cousins), woman was

He'll never know, unless he looks. Until then, I am both in and not-in his territory, an IndeterminYeti.

It may not OWN, but it does LEASE WITH AN OPTION TO BUY.

The only way to do it is to deal in volume. That's why big-box stores like "Atrocity City" are booming.

That is metal as fuck.

"Slay something, slay something, anything…"

Slayer?! I don't evenahfuckit

"Slay You, Slay Me"

But it's fair-trade hate.