
"Short Distance Sit-Around"

The Ambiguities, a new band or possibly solo project or collective, may or may not have a record coming out sometime in the future. Or it is out of print.

Aw, I like "Balloon Man". "It rained like a slow divorce" is a great line.

I nominate Perd Hapley.


The gummint is coverin' it up.

Which is why I constantly have "jazz-hands".

And that episode with the Friendly Soup Guy just made no sense.

It was all a terrible terminology misunderstanding. They asked us if we needed any money, so we whomped 'em.


I actually haven't seen her do drama. But I've been a qualified fan of her comedy (stand-up, her show, and other assorted appearances) for a while.

But Sarah Silverman is yummy.

Not with THAT attitude it's not.

His uvula?

Yeah, their CGI is generally very good, especially considering the relative budget they have to work with - as the OP points out, they have a modest film budget to do a whole season, AND they have a huge cast with multiple locations and elaborate costume/set needs (which runs up costs also).

Yes, you are.

Both are more consistent IMO than P, C & L.

I even like the Secret Machines Mix. You just can't really ruin the song.

I'm afraid to be optimistic, I've been burned too many times, but the Quietus gave it a pretty glowing track-by-track writeup.

Yeah, I don't mean that I dislike the original (or heck, nearly any of the versions); it's just that NO seemed to have an understanding of how to improve it. I think the second version of "Ceremony" (the one on Substance) is better than the first version they recorded as well.