
He'll dance to anything, as long as it's the Dead Milkmen.

Hey, thanks for doing New Order at all. I appreciate it, and they certainly have a strange enough catalog that any list is going to vary (consistency has not always been their strong suit).

Yeah, Cold Cave had some New Order in it for sure. I remember "Life Magazine" having those sort of Hook-y high scale runs.

Although there IS that weird coincidence about R.E.M. demoing with Stephen Hague (later to work with NO and others) at I.R.S.' behest, before being allowed to go with their original choice of Mitch Easter for producing Murmur:

"Procession" is another hidden gem of theirs. I thought that No Age's "Glitter" actually resembles it a little (those weird queasy suspended ambient chords at the start/end):

Honestly, the influence (if any) likely runs the other way…maybe Peter Buck had heard a Joy Division record at Wuxtry or something?

It's a toss-up between "Temptation" or "Ceremony" for me.

"Run" is simply gorgeous. All of it. As is "Love Less", which is almost a study in how to make something seemingly very simple incredibly affecting. Technique is probably their most consistent full-length.

My wife pointed out that the intro to "Age of Consent" resembles early R.E.M. (not saying that one band aped the other, just that they were both coming from a post-punk angle, with melodic bass and good drummers and murky vocals). That drumbeat even sounds like something Bill Berry would have done. Once she pointed

Forget that, in what weird world is "World in Motion" (and, IMO, the trifling "Fine Time", though I understand some people like it) worthy of inclusion?

No, no, it's only flesh *tone* that's creepy.

I wonder if there will be a plethora of comments speculating about the possible arrival of MRA's here.

Well, I think there is (and should be) a place for cheesecake as well, as long as it's not the only thing on offer.

I had to scroll back to that abomination of a cover to look, and…I think it is.

Adderall pills? They look like jellybeans to me.

Tapir?! I don't even KNOW 'er!

Then you'd just sleep and miss the massage.

Look, Beer Thousand made sense. This is just going too far.

I knew a cig smoker long ago, and she smelled/tasted….very, very….strong. Almost bitter, I guess? And it lingered; like, wash your hands 4-5 times, and it was still there.

Yeah, I've wondered about this myself.