


I don't know - they was jammies! They had Yodas 'n' shit on 'em!

I saw a squashed cat the other day that someone had moved off the street and to a concrete pad on the side of the road. I thought the same thing, why not just finish the job? The only thing I can figure, is that the idea is to leave the corpse in the hopes the owner might find it, so that they won't wonder for the

I'll check Daily Motion, thanks for the tip!

Yeah, he is the big surprise. You think he's a Riley, but he's actually a really good character, and little bits of fun they parcel out early on, actually come back to inform the character later.

I'll definitely need to watch S2 then. It's kind of hard to get hold of in the U.S. at a reasonable price (you definitely want a high-quality video option). I ended up watching a few episodes that had been uploaded to YouTube in high definition, and a few by…even-legally-sketchier means.

Ah, sorry, didn't mean to come across as dismissive, I thought Utopia started really strong and the look of it was phenomenal. But by the end I just wanted…more, somehow. Could be the rare case where the typically-shorter length of a British series works against them?

The A.V. Club
I almost passed out from pure hatred

Minority BB opinion: though I liked Fring (both actor and character) and the show continued to be excellent, I actually sort of preferred the earlier, grimier BB - Walt and Jesse as small-timers, ineptly using RVs and bathtubs, just felt more real to me than the supervillain-ness of Fring and his gleaming hi-tech

It's a great show, and the total surprise (even when you've been looking for something related) is part of why.

Predator? I don't even KNOW 'er!

The Wire S4 is one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever seen.

It's def. worth sticking with IMO. It ties a lot of its story threads together by the end of the season in slightly unexpected ways. I never thought Clive gets much past "functional" as a character, but Ravi, Liv, and Major are all great, as are the bad guys.

ITYM *Preys*

I thought Utopia kind of petered out unsatisfyingly by the end of S1 and the characters were pretty underdeveloped (haven't watched S2 yet, so this opinion could change).

I give up, you're going to have to just tell me.

I'm impressed by commenters' restraint in response to a photo of Freddie Mercury with a big black…."helmet" between his legs.

Thomas Friedman's cabbies?
