
Dude, "crusted" was RIGHT THERE.

AVClub did it!

And no one understands him but his AVClub stalker?

That's ridiculous. Obviously it will be Investigador Verdadero.

The only Sprout solo record that ever really grabbed me was Carnival Boy - the title track, "Gas Daddy Gas", and "I Didn't Know" are all GORGEOUS. I really think both songwriters were at their best together; probably a little competition, Sprout getting just a little weirder, Pollard getting just a little more

Yeah, I special-ordered Slanted and Enchanted from the local "Tracks" or whatever the hell it was after reading a review who knows where. IIRC I had to do the same for the first Sugar record.

For me, the biggest "how the hell did I miss them when they were still around?!?" band of the last few years was Wipers. Even after getting name-checked by SY and Nirvana in the early '90s, I never listened to them - they just had no profile where I was, and of course it was harder to get your hands on records back

Ohio has hella rock cred. Pere Ubu, Devo, Chrissie Hynde, Wussy, Afghan Whigs…

Under the Bushes hits a real sweet spot between the lo-fi and hi-gloss incarnations of the band. It's a shame the Albini/Deal-produced album didn't work out (you'd think that would have been a natural pairing) but a few of those songs made it onto the bonus tracks at the end. You'll recognize the Albini drums when

With GbV peeking in their windows on the video!

I was mostly riffing on @avclub-e5b4fef159d90a480b1961cef89a17b7:disqus 's avatar.

It's not just the amazing melody…it's when he effortlessly jumps it up an octave like it was nothing ("Tractor Rape" does a similar jump at the chorus). His voice is a little more shot than it used to be (all those years of hard living), but he is/was a hell of a singer. See also "Ha Ha Man", where he's basically

Not Sunfish Holy Breakfast? ;-)

One or more of the guys in Torche are big GbV fans, and they've done an interesting thing where they write these crushingly heavy, epic "metal" type songs, but with a real eye towards melody and Pollardian economy - a lot of their songs are in the 1-2 minute range, which is on the short side for a lot of metal.

You do know that there IS a Best-Of, right? 32 songs for ten bucks.

Man, the Dayton Mafia is nothing to be trifled with.

@shaver, I love you, but you're bringing me down.

It's actually the rarely-seen literary device known as supertext, often rendered in flashing, colored 24-pt font and accompanied by a sound effect that goes "AROOOOOOGA! AROOOOOOOGA!"

God I wish I could discover GbV for the first time again. Some things are just built to obsess over, and GbV is one of them.

Who made you some sort of adolescent law enforcement agency?!