
Well, there's a good reason, I guess.

Yep, that's a good 'un - does a good job of mixing imagery both pleasant and un- (children in sprinklers vs. junkies on corners; the smell of food vs. hot tar) to evoke a a specific feeling; you know where you are, but not the decade…

OK, but can someone tell us why?

Looking glass, etc…

I don't think people are backlashing against "Drunk Girls" per se (it's one of those LCD songs that seems jokey on its face but has a little more heart than you'd first expect) ; it's just that if you only have an hour, "Daft Punk" covers that musical end of things just fine.

I think you meant to write "I Wanted 'You Wanted A Hit'", thereby taking LCD Soundsystem ever further down the path of meta-rock about rock.

It's a little too "regimented", beat-wise, and faster than most of their stuff (and obviously Murphy's voice and lyrics are nothing like Iggy's), but despite all that there's something about "Movement" that always felt Stooges-like to me. Maybe the simplicity/repetition + the aggression/abandon.

Is it me, or on "Give it Up", does Murphy drop his usual Mark E. Smith imitation for a yelpier Robert Smith one? Specifically, the "Love Cats" type "ow!"

Pete Shelley has an injunction on it.

"All My Friends" is genius. Not just because it combines New Order and Talking Heads expertly (the ghosts of "Ceremony", "Temptation", and the existential crisis of "Once In A Lifetime" all haunt it), but because its lyrical structure represents both, as you say, roughly a decade in people's lives (approx. 20-30),

As you say, no accounting for taste, and it sure seems like you've given it the old college try and can appreciate the things he does do well. Regarding the vowels/syllables thing, that's pretty clearly him doing The Fall, but as MES is himself a bit of an acquired taste….

The A.V. Club

Upvoted for "gorilla dust".

Obviously if you clear cookies etc., you'll lose the setting and have to re-set it again. But I assume this is expected behavior. If your Safari is blocking cookies, that could be it there.

I think it can be hard for people now to recognize how "edgy" or out there some of the gags were *at that time*. When American Pie came out, people were all like, "OMG, Stifler's mom! That guy fucked a pie!" Like these were new boundaries in bad behavior.

From memory, it's "Honey, we can't close our eyes to the plight of the big cities….kids, you taking in all this plight?"

My new band is called Ampersand & the Interrobangs.

Also, I peed in it.

For whatever reason, the novel "spray" route of administration made me forgive it. Because of that, I have no idea if it was really MDMA, or what kind of dose you would get, or how fast/hard it would hit you.

Back in the day, I witnessed people "speaking to" people who were not there (they were convinced a specific person was in the room with them, but the person was not there, nor had they ever been there, and the room was empty except for the speaker). Additionally, facial recognition can get all messed up, causing