
The score was AWFUL (especially, as you say, when they were sneaking around outside).

I could be wrong, but I didn't think she busted out the palmed knife until the security goon had her by the neck. I assume she was trying to get out of there without killing anyone, but the goon was really going to choke her out right then and there.

I'm not sure she knifed the first guy….I think she just grabbed/punched, then kicked him in, the balls.

Agreed that there's a lot of junk now (and there was then too, though perhaps slightly less, since some of the newer RC's didn't yet exist), but MDMA is still made and sold.

1.) As you point out, "molly" is not necessarily (or not just) MDMA.

Amazing hats?

Yeah, that's the shot…it looked like lights moving in the forest, and for a minute I thought it was going to be some sort of cavalry (or rival town) riding in. And then I thought maybe it was that Abbies were mastering fire, at least, which would make them something more than brute animals.

I should have scrolled farther but I just asked this above…did the Abbie herd have torches in the cold open?

Obviously they were super-strong so this doesn't totally explain it, but apparent size/frame can be deceiving. Humans are much larger than chimps, but chimps are FAR stronger than humans.

I didn't give enough of a crap to rewind and look, so it could have been my TV or eyes or bad CGI…but in the opening of the show, when we see the humongous herd of abbies heading for WP, did it look to anyone else like some of them had torches? I could have sworn there were flames/lights moving, and for a few minutes

Lucifer is fantastic. As a huge Sandman fanboy, I was prepared to hate anything that wasn't Gaiman on that character. I won't say that the whole story overall hangs together or is layered quite as well as Sandman, but some of the individual scenes/setpieces rival, or even surpass Sandman. It's really kind of an

I'm probably gonna get flamed for this, and I don't know anything about what kind of person HH is in real life, but the excerpt I read of the comments, I can *almost* see it as an attempt at "shock" type humor made in private to a close friend that just doesn't play too well when it's surreptitiously-recorded and

Harry Potter and the Quest for More Money

Pretty. Little. Lairs.

Other crewmembers couldn't use the bathroom at the same time as him, they'd see that visor peering under the stall.

I think how most people around here want to look at it is, "frequently and intently".

I'd think that a school that didn't take steps to curb that shit right quick is opening themselves up to bullying lawsuits.

[backs away slowly]

I suggest a new strategy, @colflanders:disqus : let the Wookieepedia win.

It's pretty much like the fireworks factory. Always in our future, never in our present.