
You may be Late to the Party, but I see you brought your own lampshade, so it's cool.

I had the same misreading and shocked reaction. "Those guys are back?!"

She's also really passive-aggressive, and swung randomly from seeming sort of concerned about Forrest, to really pushing for him to destroy himself so she could move up the ladder. She was great.

He was just a modern guy.

I think the little tiny bits of continuity and callbacks really start to accumulate around then. Like it's always the same two cops in any scene where there are cops (and they are the cops he stole the dog from in episode 1, and that dog just becomes the family dog), etc.

[leaves Yeti-shaped cloud behind]

I'd like to "fly my 'jetliner' into it", if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

That thing is built like a brick shithouse.

Like "outta your dreams, and into your car"?

Pitchfork started it, it poached a lot of writers and commenters from here.

It was a trap! When you pass the horizon of the forest moon, you will see a BIG RED NO capable of destroying entire planets!

Looks like The Dissolve….

I didn't get over there all that often TBH, but I agree, the writing and the commentary didn't seem to be the problem (I wasn't crazy about some of the design choices, but I don't know enough to say whether those kept a lot of people away. I will say the site LOOKED classy, but that may not have always maximized easy

On the off-chance the author reads through hundreds of comments' worth of jokes and "ewww, what is WRONG with you?!"'s, this was a very well-written piece with a lot of historical background explaining why this trope persists in drama. Nice job.

"The (literal) Aristocrats!"

As someone who likes a lot of Wall-of-Sound-inspired music (as well as drones), don't taint their good names with Foo Fighters' blandness. Foo Fighters simply lack either the melodic prowess or the experimental sonic bent that could make their music interesting. Foo Fighters are stunningly average. Epically middle

Would you say it's the CANCERAIDS time you've heard it?

Keeping all your money in gold doesn't seem so crazy when you have to flee to Europe and assume a dead professor's identity, does it?!

It seemed to me that Hannibal was really striving to emphasize the 'patsy' every time he said "Pazzi".

The wheel was a tidy allusion to gambling (Jack has bet everything on red, and only one of them is walking away) as well as the wheel of karma, which is rapidly rolling over on Hannibal now.