
I saw it three times too, and I hardly get to the theaters to see anything even once anymore. If it was still showing anywhere 3D, I'd go once more, and hell, I might check the drive-in listings. Best, most enjoyable film I've seen in years.

Got any Glint? You know, Satan's Harelip?



You know what they say, "once you go black ichor, you never go back to liquor".

Sorry, I prefer my sex more Yakity-Sax style.

Pretty influential, also. I remember seeing a bunch of other media (jackets for prose fiction books, calendars, greeting cards, album covers [though to be fair McKean actually did a few of those himself]) that were clearly aping that style. He shoulda gotten royalties on a LOT of 1990s cover design.

Agreed with your "start with" picks. I don't know if I'd call myself a Woods naysayer, but it did not grab me at the time. I always see a bunch of, uh, yaysayers around here, so I should probably revisit it.

Maybe if her roommate had not kept tormenting her with irritating and nonsensical tongue-twisters, she wouldn't have ended up chopped up into little pieces and stuffed into a Tweedle Beetle Bottle.

You like 'em big and real dumb?

One time that (seemingly) happened to me too (read on). Couple things:

Look, stop trying to make the Tragically Hip happen. It's just not going to.

[places finger beside nose]

This might seem weird since the main selling point of Prime is free two-day shipping on Prime items - but if you can wait an extra couple days for whatever you are ordering, choose "no-rush" shipping at checkout, and they will give you a buck or two credit that you can use for digital downloads. As much as I use the

Upvoted for mentioning The Tortuga Twins. If you remember The Beer Shows, you weren't there.

Holy cow, I never made the Calexico connection (I think I heard Buckner first), but now that you say it it makes perfect sense.

Calexico were Neko Case's backing band on Blacklisted - depending on what day you ask me, that might be my favorite of hers, and their playing is a big part of why.

Ha ha! Erect!

Agreed, Rome was great.

Pretty sure that @Herald's comment was an example of trolling, and masterfully done. Seriously, that second sentence is a thing of beautifully booby-trapped reflexive recursivity or something. I may steal it.