
On the one hand, you are almost certainly correct. His age means this is probably evidence of a mind in decline more than anything else.

Eh, "friends", "victims", what's the diff?

Gimme a bottle of anything, and a glazed donut.

Weirdly, that's also how DLR's NYC EMT gig tended to go.

I wouldn't side with Eddie if he was the LAST immigrant grocer on EARTH, honey!

I originally thought you meant the guy married to Ann-Margret, and that just made no sense at all.

Is "And one of us likes dance music" a coded "Dave's gay!" dig from Eddie?

The A.V. Club

Because this was one of the greatest articles ever published on this site:

"Technically, YOU killed him."

Oh my god, Jean-Ralphio as a superstar techno DJ would be [sings] a-MAAAAA-ziiiiiinnng!

"Hannibal, the man who has always planned three moves ahead"

We only have Bedelia's word that Hannibal ate Mischa. One, she wasn't there, and is as much under Hannibal's thrall as anyone, so her word is hardly final. Two, just because Hannibal ATE Mischa (if he did) doesn't mean he KILLED Mischa.

Pablo Honey IS much better than its rep. It's sort of a missing link between the 80's UK post-punk guitar bands like Smiths/Bunnymen, the roughly-contemporaneous shoegaze scene, and a teeny-tiny nod across the Atlantic to grunge.

There's an all-girl band called TEEN that is just…difficult to google for. I had trouble even recommending their first record (which I liked, produced by Sonic Boom) to people.

Not *just* "welcome back", but this piece was also really funny, Nathan. I snorted out loud a few times.

Hmmm, I find Metacritic to be far more reliably-indicative of quality than most review aggregators.


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