
Is a band that put out 5 full-lengths (plus EPs) over a 10-year initial run (plus later obligatory cash-in reunion tour) really "somewhat short-lived"? Seems a pretty good run.

That was a fun weekend.

The Clash was deemed an “amateur act” on its first record

Sansa is more valuable, but I'm not sure Brienne would have realized, yet, how quickly and how far Stannis' star has fallen; he is still a "king" and might seem like a more valuable commodity to her than he actually is. And the Boltons certainly might agree to a 'trade', now that they don't have Sansa. Tricksy

I don't know if it really makes sense. Presumably the Boltons publicized Sansa's marriage, since the whole point of it is to try to use the Stark connection to solidify the Bolton hold on the North. If Brienne knows this, why would she think they'd let her go?

It is weird that they wouldn't show it. I also found it a bit strange that Brienne was able to easily sneak onto the battlefield and locate Stannis undetected and unopposed. She's not particularly stealthy.

Miles reportedly loved Paul's Boutique as well. So he wasn't down on ALL instances of appropriation of traditionally black music.

Indeed. It is amazing that this thing started as an odds-and-sods album and yet ends up kicking the ass of almost anything else out there. That's how hot the Stones were at their peak, and why the Stones at their peak were just about the greatest rock band of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Thanks for the tip, listening now! I will not be able to drop the $ for the physical edition of the super-deluxe, it's way too expensive.

Ah, sorry, you are totally right. Didn't occur to me. Edited, apologies.

How about the broken glass that they don't clean up, just put a piece of paper over it that says "BROKEN GLASS"?

It felt like New England to me also.


I came back a bug.

It doesn't matter how many things Carlos Jacott has been in before or since, I always yell "Otis!" when I see him.

When I finally went to Prague in 1999 or 2000, I made it a point to call a friend of mine from a pay phone there, just to leave them the message, "Oh…I've BEEN to Prague."

I'll tell you the worst part about losing a foot.

Miller, did you even see the movie?

Are you wearing mascara?

Yeah, I love this film. And placing the final flashback at the end, so we leave them as they "meet cute" and Grover woos Jane with the future they don't have, is such an effective cinematic time/memory-slippage trick (ganked from Annie Hall probably, but so what) that mixes up all that hope (what the characters want)