
Agreed, this is a strange mistake for someone who has seen the film so many times to make. Maybe because at one point Grover alludes to his and Jane's future "Park Slope" life together? But the town they spend the movie hanging around in is obviously a small college town somewhere, not in NYC proper, and that is a

Great tune.

The Cranberries tried to warn us!

Check the username - you are dealing with a fan of a much-less successful beefcake character. ;-)

And now that Justified and Boyd are off the air, he has the best hair on TV!

It's kind of hokey (but perfectly in keeping with this type of story), but remember the hours and hours and hours of combat/strategy FPS video games he played with Ravi?

Goebbels Goebbels Hey!

How much more metal could this be?


Yeah, I saw him a few months ago in SF. His between-song patter was great, he's got really good comic timing.

No, she was saying "Burt's Bees Boo-urns".

That one, and the self-titled Cole both also have Robert Quine, who also played with Sweet.

I preferred "We're the Same", off this same album. Everything Big Star-descended power-pop should sound like - joyous and sad all at once.

I think the preferred nomenclature is "Killer Queef".

No way does Davos stick by Stannis after this. No fucking way. Never. He lost his only son to religious fanaticism and fire not of his making. He will not accept a man who burned his own daughter for the Lord of Light.

Yeah, I was scratching my head at the "Fine" thing too? Maybe they have some alternate version of the album with a bonus track appended?

Is Kozelek a drinker? Alcoholics can get mean for no reason. It wouldn't excuse the behavior but it could explain it.

It's a gimmick. Scott Buck was a Dexter showrunner/writer.

I was scrolling through wondering if anyone was going to mention the Skin homages.

Go AWOL. But I'm not sure how that's relevant here.