
This is good to know. Because man is that beautiful (plus the music's great).

Don't listen to the leprechaun!

Ralph, remember the time you said Snagglepuss was outside?

Travel to one, if you need to! The best pot is illegal pot!

Thank God they merged with NAK though. Up until then they were just gaping ass.

Do you think they made the one guy turn sideways and arrange his hair that way to conceal his Stax t-shirt?

I must admit, I'm surprised to see an AVClub reviewer who is familiar enough with Versus to use them as a reference point.

So is this like a bit of vampire lore in here (IIRC some old vampire legends had it that they can't cross running water)?

I agree, dialogue this season has been a weak point, and in the past that has not been the case (used to be that even things that were taken pretty much straight from the books seemed to sing on screen).

This is something GoT does that I like - often unlikeable/aggressive characters are shown to have one redeeming quality, that of bravery - here, it was a Thenn who was the first to approach the gate and look out to see what was up, and accompanied Jon to get the dragonglass. Thenns are brutal cannibals, but they are

It was powerful even before he raised the dead, when he sort of puts his arm out to the battlefield as if to "show" Jon - "This. Your future. Pitiless slaughter and empty death."

You have a lot of good tunes in your future. I wish I could hear the Smiths again for the first time.

Upvoted for "Paint A Vulgar Picture", which also does that thing I love when great lyricists re-use or reference their own lyrics (here, it's: "And if it fails to recoup, well maybe / You just haven't earned it yet, baby").

It was not there.

You should also fail to read The Wire, and make it a triple-failure. Whovian Unplugged.

And now, I will have "Fly" stuck in my head ALL DAY.

Huh, I always heard 'surge'.

"One of Us" is great.

The recent stuff is surprisingly strong too.

"Sleeper Cell".