
This is not bad. Still, I have some questions.

Hypercolor or GTFO.

Where is her hand?!

It's like a slightly more specialized version of "Mr. Literal" (or whatever his name is).

I feel like this should be Creeper's gig.

So weird. I just watched that the other day.

Dang, now I have to hand in my nerd card.

Sorry for the late reply, but I just watched this one last night - Blaine keeps creating new customers, though, not just feeding the existing ones (and are we clear yet on the transmission methods? The astronaut-brain-craving millionaire seemed to imply Blaine did it with his nails - in which case, shouldn't Liv be

I wish they had shown more clearly that the third shot was not a headshot; it was so dark on my TV, and when the red faded from his eyes, I assumed it must have been (plus, that's what zombie stories would have you expect).

Yep, me too.

[Lovelorn sigh]

The A.V. Club
My penis learned nothing that day

Today, canceraids can be managed with a cocktail of antiretrovirals.

I assume this was your inspiration?

Thinking about this some more, it seems like any rhythm-focused niche, like this style of post-punk, starts to have diminishing returns by the third revival.

I listened to the track above and a few others and can't decide how I feel about them.

Thought bubbles, L-R:

Too bad, here's some Tool!

Half-monkey-alligator, half-man

A girl is an indie rocker. It is known.