
Her new badass, empowered persona - handed to her by one of her fathers murderers - revealed to be a charade.

It can be two th ah just forget it

Mixup at the IVF clinic.

No way am I ever falling for your "let me show you what I call 'The Captain's Log'" trick again.

The budget's just not there for it, so the cheese will have to be cut.

Can we burn NBC headquarters to the ground anyway?


Candy Apple Grey and Flip Yr Wig are both catchy, and brief.

Well, apparently even *perfect* Americana only gets a B+.

Fetchez la Bossk

It just seems like you would probably want to avoid habituating them to human meat. Not that I've ever trained dragons or anything.

That's good to know; yeah, I also rented from Netflix once and it looked no better than the taped-from TV VHS I grew up with.

I think the structure of Road Warrior is textbook-excellent too; after the big twist reveal, certain moments earlier in the film (during his meeting with Max, the head honcho of the "townsfolk" keeps toying with a sand-filled hourglass, watching it run out) really resonate. It's very much a post-apocalypse Western,

Yeah, I got the impression that kid was just standing between Drogon and mutton. If Drogon had eaten him, there wouldn't have been enough left to dump at Dany's feet.

Is this the first time the dragons have fed on human flesh? I thought up till now they fed on sheep. I realize they are Dany's not so secret nuclear weapons, but I can't help but feel that intentionally giving them a taste for man-meat (stop giggling) may be a bad idea.

What a profile too. That face looks like it belongs on a Roman coin.

"The second half of S2 could be one of the best story arcs in any TV show ever."

Road Warrior is very-nearly a perfect film; Thunderdome is better than its reputation (yeah, there's some goofy stuff, but the good parts are really good; the movie's biggest flaw is the fact that it can never be Road Warrior). The first one is OK, but skippable if you are short of time.

I really liked the Carey comic; the highest praise I can think of for anything Sandman-related is that it felt like a worthy addition to Gaiman's universe.

Ah, the poor man's speedball.