
It's definitely got that soundtrack-y vibe to it. Even before electronic-based music was making huge waves in clubs or on radio, it was all over film (sci-fi and horror especially), and that's the tradition that has really been coming to the fore a lot in recent years.

The wig is the least of this show's problems.

You just reminded me I never picked Armor up, so I just ordered it. Thanks.

This is nice, but how's about some new material? Love these guys.

You can't get it right.

Not that you asked, but Foolish, Here's Where The Strings Come In, and Come Pick Me Up are all excellent 'Chunk records (followed closely by On the Mouth and No Pocky For Kitty).

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus turned into Lionel Hutz so gradually I hardly even noticed.

I don't often use the words "incomprehensible inhuman tragedy on a gargantuan scale", but I will now. I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Streams, watermarks….this whole topic is just golden.

You don't need to include your current age in your signature. That's how the pedos get you.

As a fellow critic, I can vouch for this man and would also like to receive this particular stream.

Did you…like…go [shudders] outside, or something?

"Witch House" is an especially dumb name, being that "Haunted" was RIGHT THERE.

Thanks a lot, for giving me false hope that somehow Swervedriver was mounting an additional US tour, that might actually come somewhere near my town this time!

CSS normally installs security on nuclear wessels.

I wasn't sold on the pilot, but it improved sharply from there.

"Other than that, how was the play, Ms. Morgan?"

God DAMN it, I WASN'T crying, and then you had to go and do that.

It really is, isn't it? Just stunning in its simplicity and beauty. And it echoes down, bits of its lyrics or melody get reused all the time.

[dejected kazoo]