
Jared went full Juggalo. Never go full Juggalo.

I said this above, but it's not just the pose, it's the lights, and the geometric lobster-plating of the suits (vs. the comics' seemingly mostly-seamless design for Iron Man). I'm not saying they should win, but it sure looks pretty similar.

I think they screwed themselves with that stupid "spandex" line (the Iron Man suit was clearly always supposed to be metal…hence the name) but that movie poster does look pretty damning. Not just the helmetlessness and pose, but the blue lights reflecting elsewhere, and the fact that the cinematic Iron Man's suit

Cool, thanks. Will check out some more today.

Watched the pilot and thought it OK, does it get better from there?



"Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of
sexual assault accusations…"

"Refusal to try due to stupid bandname or bad album art/fashion/fans" should be its own subcategory here, since it's basically still a type of spite.

I just assumed that would be this:

I regret that I have but one upvote to give for this excellent comment.

Glad to hear!

The two prior album covers are goshdarned masterpieces compared to this one. This one is like somebody stuck a cat picture up with alphabet refrigerator magnets.

Tricksy Cardses…


If Martha doesn't do it herself, I would expect someone other than Philip to handle it.

And her mother is….Irina Derevko.

But Untethered Moon is truly great, and I am so glad I'm not just trying to force that sentiment because of my intense love for Built to Spill.

The deep cut from that album that I love most is "Temporarily Blind". It somehow sums all the cool things BtS can do in miniature.

Holy shit, I LOVE "You Are" (it's one of only a few songs I like on that album).