
Thanks! Likewise, we would like to extend our sympathies for the tragic loss of your ears, heart, soul, and taste.

I just got Untethered Moon out of the mailbox, and it's pretty hideous even by the low standards previously set.

Welcome! Here's two more tracks. I've really played the hell out of this thing:

That's just a '90's indie-rock aesthetic tradition. Ever see a Pavement or Archers of Loaf album cover?

Seconding Live, which is both a showcase of what a powerhouse on stage they are, and also a pretty good career overview; but Ancient Melodies is maybe best saved for later, IMO. I really only liked a couple of the poppiest tracks on that one.

I haven't heard this newest one yet, but I have the first one, and have seen them live.

Thanks, I figured you must have meant something along those lines. If I wasn't clear, I have very little sympathy for the labels, who largely were (and are) greedy and shortsighted and dishonest in ways that continue to screw over the artists.

It sometimes made me think of Rockford Files too, with a protagonist who's perhaps just slightly ethically shady kind of getting it done by hook or crook.

God I love Edinburgh.


Oh yeah, I was just using Spotify as an example - it would have to be a universal change for all streamers, no streaming service would want to be the first for that reason.

That's more of an NYC real estate/rent issue than a music industry one though.

Thinking about it some more, it seems like what artists/labels really need to pressure Spotify to do is not necessarily to change their rates, but to A.) Provide an easy link from Spotify to purchase the tracks, either on iTunes or other download site/store, and B.) Limit the number of times a user can stream a given

Thanks for the info! I guess to me it's probably a little harder to disentangle the two though. For me, I use Spotify to "test drive", then I buy (download) the ones I like, either on Bandcamp (preferably, since I can get lossless files and I know the artist gets a bigger cut) or the artist/label, or Amazon/iTunes.

Matthew Rhys is a good-looking guy, but he didn't look good at all there IMO as "Clark" revealed his true face. He looked tired, and deflated, and - again IMO - ugly, like the truth.

Yeah, but "touring like maniacs" is how many of the bands that I care about from the 80s/90s made their bones (see Our Band Could Be Your Life) - and those bands had no internet to make business contacts with, or help locate and schedule their gigs/housing, or help promote their shows in advance ("Hmmm, what's this

AHHH!!! Creeper! Change! CHANGE!!!!

I'm not sure that SY were ever particularly profitable for the majors - they were signed there (famously at Nirvana's behest) in that strange tumultuous period where labels were flush with CD-sellin' cash and ready to sign ANY "weird" alt-thing could possibly be the next Nirvana (needless to say, SY wasn't that).

Oh creeper, never change.

You might be interested in his semi-recent follow-up: