
Dude, I am saying your argument (such as it is; it seems mostly to be a series of terse "nuh-uh"s to my attempts to communicate exactly what I mean, then apparent surprise that I get annoyed or think you must be messing with me) makes no sense to me. What exactly is it?

Maybe "androids" would have been a better word; they didn't wear masks or anything. But on the cover of Man-Machine, and certainly certain videos, they always seemed to me to be presenting themselves as androids (or mannequins).

I'm saying that calling much of anything about Kraftwerk "conventional", for the pop/rock scene of their day, makes little sense.

Er, what? I am explicitly linking Kraftwerk's compositional style to minimalism and to European classical music (much like there are echoes of Satie in early Aphex), and their completely-divorcing their concept of "rhythm" from all popular blues-derived American idioms (completely excising "swing" - like I said, the

And Robert Johnson wasn't *technically* the first guy to play the blues, either. But…

Yeah, that's why I didn't post it…I just think Kraftwerk can never get too much credit for laying the foundation for techno, infusing electro/early hip-hop, and providing the template for electronic/synthetic pop music in general (which is to say, most of what you hear on the radio even today). It's Kraftwerk's world

I asked that same question.

Eh, I'm not really that interested in having an argument I already conceded in my original comment. But if you can't see a direct line between "Computer Love" and some of the tracks on Sel. Ambient Works I (Aphex even built some of his own gear, like the 'Werk did) or see Kraftwerk as a foundational ingredient in

Baby =/= adult

Me too! I always forget about Orbital for some reason, then when they come up on shuffle I am always blown away by how great they are. The other day, it was "Satan".

Heh, I also thought this would be an O'Neal Joint and thought the same thing upon seeing the byline.

You probably know this already, but on the "why":

Witching Hour is head and shoulders above everything else they've done.

Check out their World Drifts In - Live at the Barbican London DVD. It's great.

Man, They Might Be Giants got OLD.

The Dark Knight Returns (To Get The Cheesy Gordita Crunch That Was Mistakenly Left Out Of His Order)

I noticed the makeup also. She looks waxen, which works as symbolic of the stresses she's under, the fact that she's dead inside, her fears of aging, and her general brittle inhumanity. Cersei will take everyone down with her if she can.

Yeah, I have to say I've only visited LA a couple times, but I went there with all the standard preconceptions, and forgot them by the end of day 2. People were friendly/happy, lots of good food/culture, etc. etc. I like LA a lot.

It's a narc! Cheese it!

In the past, if a movie franchise continued to eat its own seed corn like this, it invariably wrecked 'em.