
Robert Wagner and Stephanie Powers in Hart to Hart!

Oh @avclub-989ba038a1cc4344f5f7a66076478622:disqus ,how I have missed you.

Ah, sorry, my bad. I meant that *I* have never read it; had I not omitted the pronoun that would have been more clear. Apologies.

I liked The Beach, but I loved The Tesseract (his second novel). Never read the third.

Hitachino Nest White Ale is fantastic.

What, is she funny or something?

I got a thumbs up and middle finger at the same time once and couldn't sit down for a week.

Oh great, another muenster pun thread.

[Leaves footprint]

That tattoo's REALLY not going to help you if you ever go to prison.




Gleaming the Cube (AKA A Brother's Justice and Skate or Die) or GTFO

Summerteeth also does that thing where a lot of the the music is really upbeat and bright/"happy" sounding, then you realize that the lyrics are like the darkest fucking things ever. Which I love.

Summerteeth is still my favorite of theirs (though Being There is good).

Deerhunter in particular. They haven't made a misstep yet IMO, and are one of the few current "indie rock" bands I feel comfortable ranking up there with their 80's/90's predecessors (SY, R.E.M., YLT, GbV, Pavement, etc.) I'll pick up a new album, sound unheard, from them anytime.

First one is definitely an album, it just happens to have a second bonus disc that compiles early singles and B-sides. I think it's terrific.

Shut the door. Have a seat. Not thereā€¦THERE!

Fortitude is indeed the shiznit.