
NOBODY expects @StrungOutDeathSquadLead:disqus !



There's also Chromatics:

Plus there's never been a pop song like 'Daniel.' It's not just unique,
it somehow builds an entire new genre of music I can easily imagine but
have never actually heard

Sometimes gender flipping changes the meaning of the song in interesting ways.

The old lady telling Elizabeth about herself was her canny best shot at surviving - she made herself real to Elizabeth, and had Philip not been there (but not in the room) to push Elizabeth back on track, Elizabeth might have let her live (the minute Elizabeth gives her real name, you know old lady is a goner).

Because frankly, your Mettle is Icky.

He'd wear Supes down with kvetchonite.

And there's nothing better than hot

Dammit, I forgot to set the DVR for this. Off to do that now.

It's true, but stop showing it off at county fairs.

And Clara Peller for inquiring as to the current location of the beef.

Upvoted for awesome signature line, which I will probably steal for obvious reasons.

"….look at the BONES!!!"

[Hands @avclub-bd282ef25a82fc6ff53e2b80d656deea:disqus a Himalayan ice-and-snow-pack for his injured wrist]

That rabbit's dynamite!

There's also the fact that it underscores, yet again, his money lack (we already saw him ask for a discount on his return bus ticket, and we don't see how much he ate of the meal before he makes a big show of spitting some out and telling the waitress he's not going to pay) and implying he's probably willing to run

One thing's for sure, the ending of Lord of the Rings would have played out quite differently had Mt. Doom been thus replaced.