
I'm trying to picture "mountains of pussy" and just failing. This experience will be the genesis of my new art-rock keytar opus, Return to Pussy Mountain.

Y'all can just shut up about "old", because when *I* see that title in print, I get The Outfield stuck in my head.

Whew - I thought I'd probably scared you off with too much enthusiasm.

Couldn't be a man in a gorilla suit, no fucking way, no, you know he's real

Dick Butkus?

I'm not a pro reviewer myself, but the "listen to it a cpl times then write" model was always flawed, because most of your favorite albums probably took days or weeks to really sink in. And now, when the digital world means we are all drowning, it's even harder to give any one release the attention that it really

It's more "90s indie rock" than punk, but I have been playing the everloving shit out of Universal Coolers by Radical Dads.

Also, objectively there are few funnier combinations of words than "Faith No More's Keyboardist Wrote An Opera About Bigfoot". I was laughing the moment I saw that headline.

I'm no chemist and my fun days are long behind me but this is what I recall. All are in the same family.

Yeah, Nirvana were fans too, they covered at least two Wipers songs. Here's one of them:

Ah, you're right. I knew that it didn't look quite right, which is why I said parody, but I didn't see the shape until you pointed it out.

(It is, or a parody of it).

This might be racist, but based on the pic up top and the Kimmel video at the bottom, Buress sure likes black shirts with white horizontal lines on them.

I totally assumed it was the same actor.

What's weird is he actually reminds me of Mads Mikkelson. Almost as weird, is the cop who reminds me of Dominic West.

I haven't heard that cover, no. I will check YouTube forthwith.

Don't put Moon & Antarctica in your nose
Put it in there
Do not put it in there

If they ever put a wig on Mail Robot the comments will explode.

The stated premise of this reminds me even more of another Fuller show, Pushing Daisies, where a character's ability to "interact" with the recently-dead helps solve mysteries.

But @flagonthemoon:disqus , that's your answer for everything!