
Whoa, whoa, let's not say anything we can't take back, here.

If I had any artistic talent I'd love to try to make an indie rock family tree tracing the threads and influences. MM would sit as the metaphorical child of Pixies and BTS, BTS would trace dual ancestry back to Treepeople (literally) and Dino Jr. (spiritually) and so on.

Dang, shoulda scrolled down farther and put what I put above here instead.

Eh, I'll be that guy. M & A *is* slightly better; the production is more interesting, the songs are more varied, and the band sounds more like "Modest Mouse" and less like its primary influences (mainly Pixies and Built to Spill).

Not just "the 80s", but specifically the early 80s, when there was still a hangover from the 70s. It's tight.

Forget it @Aussie50, with username/comment synergy like that it's got to be Gimmicktown.

Good catch! And Paul the Apostle was originally: Saul of Tarsus.

Eh, Shadow set himself up, a little, with "Why Hip-Hop Sucks in '96" ("It's the money….") Insofar as there is an aesthetic component to music (as there should be, with all art), it's not weird to want art that you made (or that you love) to be associated with certain things, and not others.

I haven't heard a lot of his other credits, but he really did a *fantastic* job on M & A.

Yeah, I am mostly just speculating. Unless the drummers are playing different things (like polyrhythmic or dance stuff), dual drumkits usually seems mostly pointless to me (as it did when I saw MM with that setup).

He was until he got busted in a public restroom with George Michael.

I said this elsewhere, but it's not about "space", exactly. It's about all the forces that control us and keep us down.

Brian Deck produced Moon and Antarctica, not Fridmann.

Yeah, I think for a long time I didn't even realize how great "Life Like Weeds" was, because you are just exhausted by that point in the album. Like I was able to later "discover" how great the back half of the album was, because I had finally played out the front half.

It wasn't an X, it was a cross, which is why I thought "Even with no overt religious references this week" was a weird line in the recap. For a minute there, the shot had Jimmy crucified.

They add a lot of atmosphere. I probably wouldn't cut them either. But it still feels slightly too long somehow…

Caribou I will agree with, since they are doing some polyrhythmic stuff, and yeah, they do a good show the times I've seen them (man, I saw them when they were still Manitoba and wearing animal masks on stage!)

With GbV, you have your work cut out for you, especially if you plan to try related and side projects.

Yeah, pretty sure it's trolling.

Nah, I like the production, it switches the mood up nicely, and thematically for the album I think it's perfect.