
That tree was totally pining for it.

My Dearest Nudie,

Well, it is a thing that…Exists.

"Skunk ape" is a goddam slur, you racist. Southern Yeti-Americans smell no worse nor are more prone to violence than their northern brethren, and I'll thank you to stop slandering them, or I'll rip your arms from their sockets.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit hoofing glue.

Maybe he will plead the Fifth-flarn-Fifth.

The same reason you don't call your friend who's in AA when you open a cold one. One monster to another, you gotta problem, friend.

Is that depth 5"?

It's insane, those episodes' taint!

Well, then luckily I'm right!

Well, and he's not STUPID, exactly…he actually knows a little bit about computers (enough to put a dick on somebody else's monitor, anyway); it's just that like you say, he's trying to escape, and 'prove his manhood' in a place where that was never going to happen. He's tragic, and so fits right into the show's world.

Season 2 rules. The way it expands the show's world ("It's all connected"; "All the pieces matter") is phenomenal.

Ah, cool. I know there are some former FL peeps around here, but I always wonder if there are any current ones.

If you don't mind my asking, are you in Florida, and if so, where?

You're dead to me, Can Opener!

I'll take the case! But first…you're going to have to lose the 'colors'.

But I can't afford a plane ticket to Israel…

[Spike Lee Tweets Martha Stewart's address to Chris Hansen]

This is indeed some of his finest work, and that's saying something.

Being an ACTUAL cartoon character really freed him to go straight over the top. But Gary Cole is great too.