


The AV Club

If I have one tiny complaint about "Door", it's the fact that it has the horn-less version of "Close to Me" on there.

And all without a chorus! Unless you count that descending guitar riff as the chorus.

"Cockatoos" is cool, as is "Icing Sugar" (so long as you don't mind saxamaphones).

Exactly, Disintegration is all one thing - an exceedingly well-done and immersive thing (and certainly no one could yell "sell-out" when like half the songs were 9-minute underwater dirges - ain't no US radio station playing THAT) but I just prefer the VARIETY of "pop" Smith.

Speaking of "hooks within hooks", Boris Williams doesn't get enough recognition for his drum work. He had the weird ability to create "hooks" in his drum fills/cymbal work (just try not to think of the fill from "Inbetween Days" right now, then the "sst-sst" of the hi-hat, then the little splash cymbals).

Nope, it's 1987's Kiss Me (x3) which fully showed off the ridiculous, seemingly-effortless songwriting range of Smith at the height of his powers. It somehow takes Door (a great album, to be sure - best deep cut from it? "Push") and just explodes it to massive, sprawling, pop-psychedelic size. It plays almost like

@ComradeQuestions:disqus Hello sir, sorry to bug you again, but I recently had a hard drive die and went to reinstall your script, which I found here:

When I was a young man, brandishing a shrink gun would get you a little RESPECT! I'll make you FUN-SIZED!

Ha Ha! Freudian!

Corbijn collaborated with Serrano on this one.

Oh, I suppose "us people" all look alike to you?!

Man, I don't even KNOW no 'Max'.

The Simpsons are doing a live show with an orchestra


Yes, I know. You call yourself a fan? Hmmph.


I was driving my wife bonkers yesterday by singing "Feels so Good".