Strategy of Conflict

The first two seasons almost make all that Garibaldi nonsense worthwhile. Almost.

Few better deliverers of one-liners than Wynn Duffy on TV right now. Guy's great.

In retrospect, doesn't that seem incongruous? What would that have added to the story, all other things remaining constant?


Just jackin' it.

Wynn-Wynn situations all around with that man. And don't you dare insult women's tennis in his presence!

Eh, anyone who hasn't already been suckered into finishing that steaming pile of shit were just done a service.

Can't say I much missed her.

Wynn Duffy and Mickey Doyle FTW.

12-year-old me approves of this post.

26 here. Sorry to hear about that, and I wish you the best in what will hopefully be a very speedy recovery!

Oh, I'll be there. Look for a dude in a green man suit holding it down by the UK flag on Broad Street.

Enjoy yourself, Beema.

"Also, what was the point when you realized that Walt wasn't an anti-hero, but rather an out-and-true villain?"

I imagine s/he's purposely overstating the case.

He ain't lyin'.

My suggestions of them in order, FWIW:

"Viewers who enjoy the Southern setting of Justified, but find its sense of morality and justice too defined."

Masuka is the only thing left going for this show.

That piece of shit show Bones is oh so very much more entertaining than Dexter. Seriously: I watched a few episodes when I was sick after burning through Angel, and it's perfectly passable. It would have been downright difficult to get "hooked" on the show, but it's WAYYY better than Dexter's final seasons.