Strategy of Conflict

You…you get me.

Naturally, people will view shows through their own prisms. I respect your desire to see those on the spectrum perceived in a realistic sense, and think it's a shame that Max as a character is portrayed so poorly. Also, agreed: Kristina and Joel do not know how to discipline their child.

I understand this show needs to end; hell, I skipped a fair half of last season because I didn't care about the mayoral storyline. But the through-line of this show has maintained consistency and leads me to reflect on my own life. This episode just hit home for me.

Yeah, I'd have to agree with WhatsAMataHari. It just seems like any other pulpy action show for the first few episodes, but once you suspend your disbelief and start liking the characters, it becomes the equivalent of an amazing B-action movie, one episode at a time.

FUCK YES. Banshee's better though.

I guess I didn't make the direct connection and sort of thought you just decided to continue to go on about the overall topic at hand. But in retrospect that all makes sense and I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.

I'm not sure if you just responded to the wrong person or whatever, but I never attempted to mount a defense of the B-word, irrespective of whom or what it's directed toward.


Meh, I disagree about the upbraiding, Todd.

Shit's weak.

I guess I'll finish This Is The End, then. I love every actor in it, but I just couldn't slog through it. Am I crazy, or is it just not all that funny, given how great the cast is?

He did, however, write a great piece in Grantland destroying Dexter.

I mostly agree.

Legal wiretap, so the confession is legit.


Ah, I see my phrasing was quite poor. I had meant to thank you!

Logan is certainly the most overtly slimy character in TV memory.

At least somebody said it. That one was awesome spiel he gave before his demise, too.

He is indeed, huh? I consumed Alias — on *your* recommendation, having asked you about it in a PoI thread, for which I thank so — so fast, and cared so little for the plot by the end, that I did a double-take when I read this.

Spoiler alert this shit immediately, man. If I came across this comment when I was watching the Shield I would've been forced to hunt you down.