Strategy of Conflict

It don't get no mo' bossier than Charles Dance.

Wish I had scrolled down, like, at all. In complete agreement.

Give Tatiana Maslany every fucking award on offer and get it over with.

Let me just say I'm confident you'll feel that the writers deal with Lucifer in a very interesting manner.

Oh fuck yeah, Sam snagged himself a real winner. Ruby plays "Laurel" in Arrow — unfortunately quite poorly, as she's got nothing to work with — and was showing in the finale; but I didn't realize she was carrying a Winchester!

Honestly, I think that's giving Grimm a break. They really turned it up at the end of season 1, and then…mediocrity. Just because Juliette looks like she's trying to pinch a loaf every time she frowns doesn't mean the show has to suck, but it is just always disappointing.

Lorem ipsum would be far, far better than what you're attempting here.

"We had…philosophical difficulties."

Yeah, the whole "we are foremost a 'resistance' movement with the intention of overthrowing the Zionists by force" thing is sort of implied.

Nailed it. Wish I read this before writing what I did above.

There's literally nothing to be gained by talking about this shit. Every fucking conversation between halfway educated people about it goes something like this:

Am I the only one who hungover-ly read that and thought they saw, "Game of Thrones is already thinking about [tits]"?

That shit was dope.

I dunno, Torontonian. It may not bother me because I'm a desensitized humanoid robot, but this show is qualitatively gorier and harder to stomach than, say, Dexter. (In Dexter's case, because it sucks so much already that it's impossible to take anything going on seriously.)

Tough morning? Qualifiers like "could've" and "without" are there for a reason.


I stand corrected. Fired that off at work without giving it much thought.

B-!!!!!! A fucking B-!!!!!

That'd be great. How about finding Hannibal's collection of innards near a cookbook, and then just cutting to everyone's facial reactions.

Ha, the dishing was great, albeit sad. I know Hannibal is surely qualified for such a discussion, but is Will that damn lonely? The house chockfull of dogs would seem to indicate so.