Strategy of Conflict

No, you're right, she flubbed that. Molly shouldn't have said that. It hasn't been even intimated about in the show, and you'd only know that happens if you read Red Dragon.

I usually just laugh when people argue about grading, but this is the first time I'm genuinely disappointed. An A- would have been more appropriate if Molly had quibbles.

I can't believe I didn't realize until this morning that Laurel was Ruby, but it is a testament to my idiocy as much as it is to how bad she's been as Laurel.

You're absolutely right, of course. She's been decidedly average at best in Arrow. It's just that she was so good in Supernatural that upon realizing today — I'm slow, she plays a major character — renewed my faith that she'll be awesome if they give her more to work with. She's been the put-upon idealist for too

Mads' acting during the scene in which he meets Franklin is just beyond incredible. Name someone who could've pulled off Lecter's dialogue there without sounding ham-fisted and pretentious, as well as just downright creepy, thus taking the subtext and putting it in neon letters. Although I bet Michael Fausbender (sp?

Less than 1% of the US population has celiac disease and thus an allergy to gluten. Every paleo dieter without celiac disease and an aversion to gluten is just dumb.

I agreed in more detail above, and I am a diehard Spartacus fan — I'm already self-flagellating for thinking of saying this, but it's what I perceive as the main flaw of the Island sequences. Here goes:

Agreed on all fronts, and in particularly the Island flashbacks. They were just sparing enough, and they served a legitimate purpose of showing us how Oliver got badass.

Since Tommy's death was entirely symbolic and meant to affect the other characters' decision-making in some manner, I guess Laurel's death would have served the same purpose, only more so. And Laurel was truly useless for 19-20 episodes, I concede that.

MAAAD people getting Arrow'd…like, to death. Am I wrong, or was that a whole lot more death than usual for superhero stuff?

Point for AD joke docked for invalidity…

I'm all sorts of cool with improbably advanced space technology = game, anything supernatural = barred.

Was said baby Jesus wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shit?

I feel obligated to hit the gym every time I watch Arrow. That bastard must've been toning those things since before he could walk.

I am BIG fan of Ms. Cassidy. The prego thing really makes sense: She looked thick — in a voluptuous way — in that super tight red sweater when she asked Oliver why he left before she woke.

HOLY SHIT, Ruby! That's why I recognized Laurel! And you know why it took me this long to realize? Because she exudes confidence in Supernatural and never once made me question her acting, which has been hit and miss here. (Admittedly, they haven't exactly made Laurel very multidimensional.)

*Not a chance Dark Archer is dead, so I'm glad they didn't give us much about his substantive motivation until the end. It'll make it resonate all the more when he returns.

* I dunno. I am no shipper for Oliver and Laurel, but they've made the pairing work for me through sheer force of will by the end-of-season arc. She does know him better than anyone else…except that he's a mass-murdering vigilante. But Oliver also knows Laurel's been willing to work with and to a certain extent trust

*There is a Big Bad in the form of that blonde lady with the great legs whom Spyers spoke to. So, there's that.

God-damn right; the cast really owned the absurdity of this show and used it to fire on all cylinders.