Coldplay Sucks

Tom did seem to make comically bad business decisions for someone who should be reasonably smart enough to know how money works. But it'll be interesting to see if he comes back and is successful in gov't.

The review for Shark Sandwich was merely a two-word review which said, "Shit sandwich."

Also Donna hates him:

He also did other weird stuff, like told Andy how to get April back then asked her to move to Indy, I didn't think of him as a douche back then but now it makes more sense.

I can see that but also why wouldn't Ben at least try to have fun at their party? They kind of had a point in messing with him.

Chris almost seems like a villainous character to me, ever since the whole dating rule thing came up last season.

Based on grade deflation, this episode of Whitney I accidentally left on while surfing the internet should get an F-, or maybe an INC because I can only watch 4 seconds of it.

Also Chris has been beyond weird for quite a few episodes now, and way to shit on Ann Perkins like that, jeez.

Yea that one was like A or A- at the least.

I agree with Cien Anos. This wasn't the greatest episode I've ever seen, but B- seems a bit harsh to me. That's like Jersey Shore/Whitney territory. Mediocre Parks & Rec episodes should get a B+ for the most part.

I like it when I read about something like HW Jr, and think of some snarky comment about it to my friends, like "Hah, this guy thinks the First Amendment applies to private employment contracts, what a dumbass." Then I read about it on the AV Club and see 10 other people have already made the same observation. Good

kill yourself idiot. "i have excellent taste in television" shut the fuck up really. with your posts it sounds like your favorite shows are X Factor and the new Charlie's Angels.

Hey Gary X, go to hell and die. I kind of hate you with an unbridled whatever you said.

Former FJM readers appreciate the mom's basement reference. Ew it smells like jet fuel.

That guy she always runs into in the hallway, Councilman Hauser.

Any mention of O.A.R. should include the song "Hey Girl" the most inexplicably popular song ever. Hey girl come with me and let yourself go!

And that is where babies come from … for machines.

Didn't both Parks and Aqua Teen steal that joke from This is Spinal Tap?

I thought the penises joke started out hacky, but picked up steam once everyone started emailing their wangs to Ann Perkins.

Are you telling me The Flintstones wasn't filmed in front of a live studio audience? They've fooled me for all these years.