Coldplay Sucks

Also I think the British audiences' laughter is more appropriate for shows I like. They tend to be humor snobs who like sarcastic wit and all that. With American audiences, you probably have half the crowd expecting some Larry the Cable Guy shit.

Sierra Mist
Sprite for Nazis

Jean-Ralphio you are much funnier on camera.

I felt obligated to comment on this
Is their new song really called "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall"?

Sorry but Kaboom ruled. You are wrong.

The fried marbles! That was my favorite non-spoken joke of season 3, along with Jerry's shirt in Fancy Party.

They're making a Moneyball movie with Chris Pratt? That rules, I love baseball and boring number-crunching.

I think even that could be made funny, like if the rapist on the tape were Mr. Ed, or some other talking animal.

@SaAC I believe Hail to the Chimp was a fake movie from the Simpsons.

I was going to say that the film "Monkey Trouble" was an exception, but I'm not sure whether that movie got any better or worse with the introduction of the monkey. It is a crappy, monkey-centric plot though. I think that also applies to "Monkeybone" even though he was animated.

I like:

I would like to take the P&R side of whatever war is going on. I understand Community is good and everything, but I can't really get into it. Like I saw tonight's episode, it was good in sections but the whole thing didn't feel that funny to me. So there, die Community!!!

I remember when you could take the ferry to Sheblyville for a nickel, of course in those days nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Gimme 5 bees for a quarter," you'd say.

I just wanted to agree with the title of this thread. That is all.

How did someone not find Jerry's shirt hilarious? That is utterly unbelievable.

A+ for me. The only thing I didn't like was how they kept suggestively panning over to Ben and Leslie. I get it, they wanna do each other, so it was kinda unnecessary for me.

Thom Yorke you are a trap! has been fixing this so-called Supermoon". I keep getting pregnant on acid, so?

It kinda reminds me of that episode of Friends where Joey found his identical hand-twin.

No offense to SuperMuffins, but that is very mundane superpower to have.

Conveniently the UConn game caused me to miss most of the Office (except for the relatively cheesy proposal scene at the end) but ended in time for Parks and 30 Rock.