Coldplay Sucks

Oregon, bam

Season 3 started off a bit slow (relatively speaking, of course) for me and only the 2nd half (starting with Fancy Party) was superior in my mind to Season 2.

If I were Steve Heisler, I would just give every episode of Parks and Rec and A and not ask any questions. It sounds like the AV Club is about to descend into chaos and mob rule unless everyone agrees that Parks and Rec, Community, Freaks and Geeks, and Shakespeare's Hamlet are the four greatest stories ever told.

I actually did kinda like Andy and April's VW commercial.

I almost cried laughing during Daughter's Hand. No one does a good dirty joke like Beavis & Butthead.

Yes, during the one of promos for Grimm I actually saw them quoting people on Twitter as if they were critics, i.e. "Grimm is the best show on TV!" - Jeffery71289

I liked the webisode where they went to the 4 corners.

I second the hope for the return of Duke Silver. I believe he is the only alter-ego who has not reappeared this season.

McFuckenstein makes a good point. I even liked April way back in season 1, before she was funny or said anything.

Now that you mention it, he even understands certain business concepts like price as a symbol of quality. His biggest problem seems to be letting his arrogance (and Jean Ralphio's) cloud his judgement.

Another point is I've never seen a show so belligerently promoted in my life, and largely to the wrong audience. So many of us were already tired of Whitney before the pilot aired.

Also for some reason, all the scenery has the stink of a generic sitcom. I'll bet they're going to the same coffee shop as Niles Crane and living in the former house of Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor.

Creed would be perfect. Dream Theater? They are like Phish on meth, not a good one for Stewart.

I was figuring they would have Chris get secretly assassinated by the CEO of Sweetums for like outlawing junk food. Or he could have one of his cronies get Chris fired, which would be less dramatic.

Probably be due to the World Series, which incidentally I turned off at 4-3 Texas to watch Beavis & Butthead. I remember thinking, "maybe I should watch the game, just in case it's a classic that everyone's talking about tomorrow… nah screw it."

That was my main issue with the review, it seemed to be criticizing intentional decisions by the writers as if they were oversights. It's like saying Norm and Cliff are fat and drink too much.

I always thought her and Andy were the MVPs of Season 2, and probably Ron or Leslie in Season 3. But I agree for Season 4, April is #2 behind Swan Song.

Whitney got a C! I know it was two different reviewers, and I didn't watch Whitney, I don't care. I find it criminal to have a mere 1.0 grade difference between these two episodes of television.

I don't think April likes explaining her actions or saying things that should be apparent already. It seems foolish to think anyone in the Parks dept has real dislike for Jerry, he is clearly welcome at all their social events.

I like how 5 minutes after the Community review is posted, their message board looks like my spam folder. I'm starting to like that show more though, the last 2 were cool.