Coldplay Sucks

This is kinda random, but one of my favorite scenes ever is when Ron has a hernia and can't move and April throws a pen at him.

That (laughing at the identity theft story) one of my favorite parts of the episode, also him throwing rose pedals on himself. Andy rules.

White Erkel

The camera is like Ozmodior, the little green alien that only Homer can see.

Oh yea he does do the camera stares a bit, I guess for me he just doesn't really have that much personality to begin with. I think he's one of the only characters for whom I prefer the British office version.

Maybe in this version Arthur gets beaten to death at the end. Fingers crossed!

Am I missing something here? That seems like a very far-fetched fear. I just hope she doesn't become exactly like Waldo from Family Matters.

I think they are doing a pretty good job with this one, considering most sitcom romances are usually disastrous shark-jumping endeavors. So far I would put it in the top 5% of TV show romances.

None of the characters are one-dimensional, if that's what you guys mean by caricatures. Ron hates government spending but refused to fire Leslie who loves government spending. April is mean to everyone but suddenly nice around Andy. Calling either of them flat characters is somewhat absurd.

Sorry I forgot the word 'word' in the last thing, I guess I am almost as dumb as that guy.

"Cynicism never goes by its own name."

i'm pretty sure that was a joke, i still like the 2nd reply though

I find the grades this show gets to be very arbitrary. I think I liked this episode better than last weeks.

couldn't agree more, they have awesome anti-chemistry. it was up there with the Ron/Andy hijinx in episode 2, in terms of being long overdue and hilarious.

shut up loser

First in friendship, fourth in obesity.

Having men unconvincingly dressed as women was only funny when Chris Farley did it. LAY OFF I'M STARVING!!