bob loblaw jr.

sounds like "neither can live while the other survives" classic horcrux territory you guys.

Oops Prime Time Emmy Awards, it looks like OITNB and True Detective are off by one category. Pls fix.

Doula's Honor!

David Clarke is now a man who is innocent and also not dead. This has been Ya Heard? with Perd Hapley!

Good points! I thought they might all be human again but now I think not. I wonder what Alaric is now, just a vampire, but not a crazy wanting to kill other vampire one?

Carofan has an equally pharmaceutical ring to it, although with none of the sterilizing side-effects.

(almost) CALLED IT! You guys two(?) weeks ago I called for an other side trade of Alaric, Lexie, Enzo for Bonnie, Jeremy, Markos…so close, so close.

This sounds interesting and promising. If the spell isn't looming over Mystic Falls though maybe they will have to go elsewhere in season 6 since it appears from the previews they plan to blow up the whole town.

BUT Alaric, Lexie and Enzo come back as humans, DOUBLE TWIST.

I vote when the other side falls apart we trade Bonnie, Jeremy and someone else we don't care about (Markos, yes him), for Alaric, Lexie and Enzo. Sorry grams.

Agreed. Like it would have been nice to see the Forbes family secret vampire-hunting weapon room, I'm sure all of their cabins had them.

I feel like Tyler's not gone for good. Elena wasn't gone when they burned Katherine's body (…earlier this season? god it feels like a long meandering time ago). But to bring hi back they'd need the knife. I feel like you can't just burn a traveller's knife in a fire since Tyler had that vision of it in the fire

Totally agree. They could have just had writing in blood on the wall in a different language and have no one read it out loud and it still would have gotten to point across.

That part of the partners scene where they reminded themselves they'd have to buy out Don's shares was super awkward. If it wasn't meant to come off that way I'm not sure what that was all about.

Yeah, get over it Betty. She did eat that entire sip of cow milk so what's she complaining about.

"Oh and by the way don't think that we are not discussing Duke. Silver. When were you going to tell me about that unbelievable I am so furious at you but I've already forgiven you and you need to teach me how to play the saxophone, ok bye."

Yesss rapidly aging the children was my dream scenario AND IT'S HAPPENED! very excited about this move by the show.

Maybe if he was going to bust open each VHS tape for the piece of film where Dennis Hopper snaps his fingers on the hand where he's supposed to be missing fingers and threaded those all together would this seem like a worthwhile project.

I agree the pilot all seemed a lot rushed. Due to my need to see Ryan Hansen succeed I'm hoping this show picks up as well.

I feel like they're setting up a potential Ben as Mr. Mom plot while Leslie works OR I'd want them to TV magically age her children because I'd rather see Leslie interact with toddlers than babies.