Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

She's a woman who has wrinkles. She must be destroyed.

What a relief. I thought I was the only one who hit mute every time that fucking song begins.

Martin looks like he's always pinching a loaf.

Men like Noah were the reason I never wanted to get married or get pregnant.

And one more thing- I know getting older isn't for pussies.(Raylan Givens quote)

So many punches to give, so little time.

Best.Good Wife.Ever.

I'm a little late to the party but I wanted to go on record as saying…..Cole, Cole and Cole.
You can roll my lobster anytime.

No, no, no! You leave my doe-eyed Cole alone!

- I love Cole. I don't care who he's killed or how he's armed. He's the most sympathetic, wounded doe eyed baby of the bunch. Love him.

I'm back on The Good Wife love train again.
4 items:

I'm calling one of the last scenes in the last episode. World politics, civilians dying, those nice outdoor markets always getting fucked over - but somehow Carrie and Quinn make it back to the states. They enjoy a semi-blissful night of sex. Then Carrie, all excited about scotch taping her life back together again,

Oh, the blood on the door so the Angel of Death would spare the first born! Nice!

When are Carrie and Quinn going to get busy?

Great show. The ending had me not just on the edge of my seat, but falling off of it.

I assumed it was the Stetson he was wearing that saved him.

But that is why God made Xanax, Ben. It's like the eject button for when you find Mandy Patemkin in your bed.

Very true, but this is a television show. And showing things that are factually accurate but otherwise boring - not good TV.

Oh, the big "surprise" with that tropy set up: person A is monologuing to someone off camera and the camera follows as person A climbs into bed, you see a pair of disembodied arms and then there's a pullback, to reveal - MY MOTHER! Oh my god!

Just in case any show runners are reading, I wanted to go on record as saying I began to let go of The Good Wife when the "Cary goes to jail" story began. When it appeared(s) that even if Cary wasn't going to jail, he wasn't going anywhere - I stopped watching all together. "The Good Wife " is now off of our DVR