Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

One more thing - I LOVED the scorn in Cole's voice: " you mean- he doesn't have tools?!"
My husband has tools.

OK, it's official. I love Cole. He's not in the Tim Gutterson league yet, but he could be.

Nothing can make Noah look like a good looking guy. He looks like a very good example of why a potato and a Brillo pad should never procreate.

Also, just because you're 62, doesn't mean you have to look like a dancing knife in a "Beauty and the Beast" road show.

Where is the review of episode two ? I want to discuss Yvonne's hair, what a dick Noah is, how lovely Joshua Jackson is and how , while I appreciate the acting skills of the guy from the "Truth and Consequences" episode of Justified ( the FBI agent who blew his brains out outside of Raylan's gym), I don't ever want to

Can wheelbarrows of paper money be far behind ?! And Liza Minelli overacting? And monacles for all!

The coppers!

I think "pussy" is dirtier then "fucking".

The shoe salesman looked a lot like an old, failed Tyrell.

What a lucky lady Libby is!

One of the few times I rolled my eyes . The "Lady Macbeth washing her hands "trope is a well visited way too often. It was last seen at Ava Crowder's sink in, yes, "Justified" and I know I've seen it elsewhere. Can't they play out this concept with a little originality? Like the female semii-antagonist using her

And remember not to use the word "fuck."

A word on the word "fuck" from the young people of today: the other day, I apologized to my 12 year old daughter for using the "f word" too often. She goes to a very good middle school, honors student,etc and said not to worry; it's a word you hear frequently
in the middle school halls of academia. Frequently, a lot,

Natalie Zea, Winona on "Justified", was very vocal about the stupidity of banning the word "fuck" from their show and by extension, others. "Justified" aired on FX, which was also home to the pillar of the community, Charlie Sheen.

That hurt my feelings.

Malek acted up a storm tonight, didn't he?

Suggestion: take him to a soccer field.


Regarding Tessa: I think the actress who plays her is doing a fine job portraying a girl who is frightened and furious at her mother for many reasons - one being that the fabulous and brilliant sex researcher Virgina Johnson leaves her daughter totally alone and "un mothered " while Tessa has to deal with guys like

I know! Libby should have shut the shit down by yelling "SPOILER ALERT!" from the next room.