Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

Or give him a wake up call.

It's also nice to see her lookin' good, since spent so many years playing schlumpy downtrodden women or long suffering wives or both.(I never watched West Wing. ) My first memory of AJ acting was as Chris Cooper's wife in American Beauty but similar roles followed.

Has anyone mentioned the Tyrell/tie connection? Tyrell, dressing for (something - night with reception boy or meeting with new CTO man) - the wife nags that the choice of tie he'll be wearing is very important. Tyrell ties the wife up with ties. When Old Powerful Guy rebuffs Tyrell's attempt to get some face time and

Hey, there's the beating up of homeless people, too!

Most of Justified, especially season 4's Decoy .

At least he could have tried to pitch her over the ledge. You know his wife would have.

I think Angela's final scene with Colby was so weak - I couldn't believe it made it past the writers room. Telling him that what's happening to her (losing the respect of everyone she knows and doesn't know? Her attorney respects her. I'm reasonably sure Elliot still has feelings for her.) will happen to him - I

Nah, I think some people make some very bad decisions when they're horny. I don't mean that in a trivial way. When Ty says to Sharon, a "month ago" that he'd blow his brains out if he had to have sex with whatever his name is - her husband - I quite agreed. He is repulsive. (Not that Tyrell is Mr. sensitive and Sexy

Did you make that up ("tetris the shit") ? It's frigging brilliant!

Spirited Away …..only Miyazaki movie I HATED. Maybe it was because I saw it when I just became a mom to a baby girl - but the gross sexual overtones of this movie made me ill.

Part Asian here, and these comments are getting a little offensive.

The cat bus will no longer be stopping at your corner and the dust bunnies are not thrilled with you either.

In our house, we say " the anus is on you" , as our salute to Justified's Dewey Crowe.
And we still say "fambly" even though we haven't hate-watched any Real Housewives ( or any reality show) in years.

Because he's the star of the show?

Like Justified. It hurts, doesn't it?

Now don't say that or you'll hurt Jacob "Tim Gutterson" Pitts' feelings. He and his enormous swatches of chest hair was the best thing about the The Pacific.

I refer to Suits as "no appointment TV".

I hate Disqus with a hot, red, almost blinding hate of hatred. And not just because the advent of Disqus coincided with the ad and page-bait vomit that now borders all AVC pages on three sides.

Fight Club thing going on with Christian Slater? First I've heard of it…

Omg- the girl is/was gorgeous. Not everyone can pull off the Steakhouse Little Cowboy Hat look, but she rocked it.
Look at pictures of the actress who played Shayla. She is a very typically gorgeous actress. I don't know what her range is, but in this role she connected with the audience in a major way.