Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

EVERYONE MUST READ THE ARTICLE ROB BACKUS HAS PROVIDED A LINK FOR. Which is a dangling participle but it's late. It's fascinating and the comments even more so - with the debate in the comments from at least one person who worked with the guy who wrote it - was he a tragic fall guy or a just a douche-bag with a many

One more time - Mike Pence is an evil piece of shit. Ask anyone from the state of Indiana who isn't a right wing homophobic Christian. Money and opportunity - that's all Pence needs to show that he's just as heinous a piece of protoplasm as Orange Slime.

Two things 1) Trump's not going to be impeached because it's not in the Republican's who are up for election this year or next to do so and 2) I live in Indiana now. ( kidnapped from NYC). Mike Pence is a horrible man. What makes him less horrible than Trump is less money and less opportunity. Given more of both, he's

A musical comedy. Casting ideas?

Well, he said "many"!! Why isn't that enough for you libutards?!

I just looked up "Roasted Nuts".
.Thumbs down - but that's just me. It gets added to my list with an asterisk for *"good but mean - just fucking mean."

It was the headline that made me yell….." SEAN!!!! IS THAT YOU BEING BRILLIANT AGAIN!!!???"

Dear Sean,
This headline puts you in the Hall of Fame of Great Headline writers. A few examples of these historic and fantabulous headlines are:
"Many are Thawed, But Few are Frozen.", "Ford to City: Drop Dead" and of course, "Headless Body in Topless Bar".

It's "empowering"! It's "the big sister u always wanted!" And as a native New Yorker and a Manhattan-er in my 20's right before you didn't have to be a trust fund kid to live in Manhattan but almost, I hate the lies and bullshit factor of shows like this. It truly scares me that kids from the midwest will think this

LaToya - where you going?

I thought it was just a great present for the viewers and a happy reminder of how tasks that were part of jobs in the '80's are no longer (you don't need a P.A to run the tape to the control room anymore ) and, by extension, jobs that were hot in the '80's are withering away now. And it was another showcase for our

Is it bearable if you hate watching wrestling, boxing and anything that resembles either? I like G.LO.W a lot and enjoy watching it with my husband and my husband's boner for Alison Brie, who has lived with us for several years. But a doc about the sport itself - you think a person like me would like?

Please don't forget about Chris Lowell. Please. He needs you.

I don't want Bash to be gay, altho I think Chris Lowell probably is. Yes, i'm a child but you guys have Alison Brie. It's about time the female gaze got served.

Yay, Chris Lowell! Renew Enlisted! It was about Kevin Bei….whatever his last name is's dad.

Took me 5 months to get here. Two words: Jacob Pitts. That's all that matters. Oh, and Jacob Pitts naked post sex - excellent. Next season - during sex.

I want more Chris Lowell. And I want more chest hair on Chris Lowell.
Thus ends my brilliant and erudite contribution to this discussion.

I loved MST3K with a white hot love beyond decency. When we were young and poor we got caught " borrowing" cable because I had to order the MST3K newsletter. I'm surprised we didn't name our kids Tom and Gypsy but we named them after Sam Raimi instead. We've seen Joel in person and we've seen Riiftracks live. I

I'll watch Monday and I always vote for more Cole, but I want to slap the writers of The Affair for a minute.
By the time Noah went to prison, I think it was clear he wasn't a fan favorite. So you send him to prison and bring him out and you could do practically anything with him. His popularity was in the toilet

Jacob Pitts' character survives, doesn't he? I couldn't make myself watch the last episode for fear of finding out.