Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

You use the word "pigments" - on purpose?

Tim says to Raylan in previous episode - that how it ends; whether Boyd goes out in a "blaze of glory" or all the hard work by the Marshals is rewarded by a trial and of course conviction - that's Boyd's decision. Not Raylan's. Great scene between Tim and Raylan, which of course no one but me and Jacob Pitt's mom

You will love it.

Me too. Used to make my pre-teenage daughters watch it just so they could hear and see greatness (I covered their eyes for some nasty violent stuff.)
Just an almost perfect show although the "problem" with Ava driving all of season 6 was a little plot hole-ish, but it was a great last season anyway.
Nothing beats

If you need to know what episodes of season 5 weren't ruined by too much Crowe and the …..uh…… situation Ava finds herself in - let me know.

Agreed . Loved it. And I never liked Rami Malak- dream boy for many a fan girl - but I love him now.

I thought it was great that Pam from "The Office" had snagged such a major role until I figured out it was Amy Adams.

I found out this week that Frank Iero is 5 ft 6.

I went to my dad's headstone unveiling. Tradition is to do it a year after the person dies but we did it at six months. We're a wacky family.
My dad asked in lieu of flowers that money be sent to The Southern Poverty Law Center. He has a Purple Heart and a Bronze star and was on the team that discovered the cure for a

So perhaps is Henry's mother. And that's a real tragedy.

Very cool catch.

Duck ex machina

I'm in love with you for making a Justified reference. Great episode and a big step in introducing the man we call The Chosen One : Tim Gutterson.

Oh my god, Sally is a child. Much like Brittany Spears was oh-so-long-ago, Sally is in that wacky in between stage but she is still a child whose being asked, once again, to be the grown up her. Fuck that. She'll be able to keep herself together for the family? Noooooooo. She has to be allowed to grieve, give me a

You mean Nathan and Fluffernutter. Right?

Where we live - one of the two best school districts in the state -the week long and overnight trips have been shredded to shit because of monies available to public schools shrinking every year. You may not have to deal with the financial gutting of good, middle class public schools, but here it's a way of life. And

Some of us have very child friendly temperaments and we still say (on occasion ) some really awful things. Difference is - we apologize and also know there are some things we've said that our kids will be angry about and hurt by and we won't know there was a problem until someone has too many cups of wine at a sedar

It's interesting to me that you combine "touchy feely" with the dreaded "helicopter type" as adjectives to describe us "mothers of today". Look at your word choices - the coded adjectives - and then ask yourself if some of us "touchy feely" types abhor the "helicopter type" concept.

John - this article is amazing. I'm in love even with the prospect of re-reading it more than once and each re-read will stimulate more brain activity on my part.

Is there any scene that Vincent K. doesn't kill? I love that guy.