
Still has a chance. Many of the classic Christmas movies didn't make a big impact at release (A Christmas Story, Muppets Christmas Carol) rather became known and beloved through repeated TV showings and the like.

Every Easter the Easter Bunny would bring my sister and me peeps despite the fact we both hated them. My dad would then always end up eating them, strange how that worked out.

Yeah there is a number of local ads that seem to have run my whole childhood.

These designs are all so trippy. My grandma used to have a whole bunch of glasses of these characters from a promotion. When I was a kid in the 80's I believe one store near me still had some of the playground stuff up Glasses pics: https://s-media-cache-ak0.p…

I just remember these ads in all the commercial breaks when I was a kid.

That seems true here to at least some degree. We went to a recent Hari Kondabolu show and he said he had a part in this film as the best friend who the main character sees in Baltimore that was cut entirely. In the stand up at least he suggests he did horribly in that role whether that is true or not the sub-plot was

They have several songs that are pretty catchy/funny. They did a Comedy Central Presents special if you want to check out their brand of humor ahead of time. The question is whether they can translate some funny songs into an actual funny show. Flight of the Conchords did a successful transition so it is at least

Community:  6 seasons and a movie.

Damn, I forgot it is January return. That is way too long to wait.

What a waste of scythe guy here. He looked cool in the "next week preview" and they did basically nothing with him this week, just used him to try to make the police chief look like a bad ass. The creative pedigree of this series is pretty good but the show hasn't really gone anywhere yet and actual character

Not exactly the most exciting episode this week, but man the preview for next week made that episode look AWESOME. Earth-2 action is long over due.

I don't trust the network at all. Pulling it gives them ample opportunity to kill it quietly later.

Huh, had never heard of these. The Shaft brand was alot larger than I ever knew…

Yeah, I think Michael having some psychological issues letting go of the conspiracy would be interested. I don't think the show is actually going there though. The last conspiracy member killing himself seems like the kind of thread that will mean they missed the "real" conspiracy and we will go back to status quo

DVD set feature
The complete series box set for Twin Peaks has a pretty nice feature on this diner as well as a number of other locations used in shooting. Oh and those Japanese coffee commercials are AWESOME. They are an extra, too.

Most unrealistic election ever
The election has been absurd in terms of the alleged roller coaster of who is getting a big lead then losing alot, repeat over and over in a period that is supposed to be just 11(!) days. I'm surprised the pollsters have had time to keep up with the tracking with the constant changes in

Haibane Renmei
I would definitely recommend Haibane Renmei and it would be a great series to analysis. For people that like Lain, Serial Experiments this is a show where the character designer for that show, Yoshitoshi Abe, had complete control over the show and its great. The animation is beautiful and it has a very

Work of Art
"Poorly received?" From what I heard the ratings were pretty solid and it is likely going to get a 2nd season (a number of article have said it is being planned) . And it was pretty well received here on AV Club TV Club by John Teti. And I personally enjoyed it and thought it was pretty interesting.

Opposite Coinflip
That point reminded me of the Futurama episode where the difference between two alternative worlds was that every coin flip went in the opposite direction. Stealth cross-over?